Ysgol Pencarnisiog

The future is at our feet

Vision Statement

Create a learning enviroment that is safe, healthy and homely which prioritises wellbeing, safety and stimulating curricular experiences of high standard, celebrating successes and progress every member of the school's family.


Parent Calendar

Digwyddiadau Tachwedd 2024.pdf

Tachwedd 2024

Cylchlythyr Hydref 2024 (2).pdf

Cylchlythyr Hydref 2024

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Newsletter Autumg 2024 (2).pdf

Autumn Newsletter 2024

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Digwyddiadau Tymor yr Hydref 2025.docx (2).pdf

Digwyddiadau'r Tymor

Tymor yr Hydref 2024/25

Estyn Report 2024

Parents and carers - Inspection Report - Ysgol Gynradd Pencarnisiog 2024.pdf
Rhieni a gofalwyr - Adroddiad arolygiad - Ysgol Gynradd Pencarnisiog 2024.pdf

Estyn Report

"At Ysgol Gynradd Pencarnisiog, the headteacher has successfully improved the culture of the school over the last two and a half years. The school historically had a culture that implied that small, rural schools do not have issues with pupils’ wellbeing, and being a pupil in need of support or intervention carried a stigma. As a result, pupils were not always supported well enough. The headteacher has worked with staff and parents to promote health and wellbeing, putting it at the heart of her vision for the school. Pupils in the school now speak freely about wellbeing and the importance of sharing worries and fears. Pupils understand the value and impact of the intervention service in the school for pupils who are struggling, even if they have not received support themselves. Staff in the school have a better understanding of the needs and feelings of pupils and are improving learning experiences and support services in response."

Healthy and Happy report En_0.pdf
English Prospectus.docx.pdf

Ysgol Pencarnisiog Prospectus

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